30 April 2010

In my hour of darkness...

Ever notice how Gram Parsons' songs are laced with religious reference? Seriously, just go listen to anything he ever recorded. It makes me wonder where he was spiritually. Was Christian guilt so ingrained in his psyche from childhood that he wrote the way he did? Or was he a true believer? Or (perhaps most likely) was he just chronicling what he saw as true Americana, making his Cosmic American Music? For better or for worse, I find it hard to believe that he wasn't drawing on some spiritual dilemma. I picture in my mind a very Jacobian wrestling match with God in the desert.

I find comfort in his lyrics. He speaks a lot of truth. And of course, lines like "20,000 roads/I went down, down, down/And they all led me/Straight back home to you" strike a chord.

And for anyone who reads or has read my posts from years past:

- I lived in Boston for almost two years. It was awesome, and I miss it sometimes (particularly Dunkin Donuts coffee).

- I quit smoking a year ago, when I got engaged. Not so hard, actually. After all that...

- I regret not keeping better record of my time in New England, but perhaps I will recount stories here from time to time.

- That is all. For now.

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